國學泰斗饒宗頤紀念展開幕 回顧大師一生成就
The Integration of Brush and Ink - Selected Collaborative Paintings of Professor Jao Tsung-i and Mr. Wu Hao
Archaism in Jao Tsung-i’s Painting and Calligraphy
“The Divine Plan at Work” The 120th Anniversary of the Discovery of Oracle Bone Inscriptions cum
Renovation of Wisdom Path
Distinguished Sinologist Lecture Series:Professor Zhan Bohui
Briefing Session for The Story of Jao Tsung-i's Field Project Competition
The Luminous Splendor of Jao Studies
Distinguished Sinologist Lecture Series – Prof. Chen Weiwu
Searching through Teaching, Professor Jao Tsung-i's 16 Years at The University of Hong Kong
HKBU receives HK$2.5m donation to support translation of Professor Jao Tsung-I’s scholarly works
Every day is a Good day
Oneness: Calligraphy by Professor Jao Tsung-I