3 December

Jao Link Inauguration


Date: 2 to 4 December, 2016

The Sharing session of Jao Link Gathering (Rayson Huang Theater, HKU)

Presentation of Latest Publishing (Jao Tsung-i Petite Ecole, HKU)

Donation Ceremony (Jao Tsung-i Foundation)


Jao Link Inauguration (饒學聯匯成立儀式)

Jao Link Sharing (交流會) at Rayson Huang Theatre, The University of Hong Kong (香港大學黃麗松講堂)

Press Conference on Outcomes at Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole (香港大學饒宗頤學術館)

Visit to Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (香港浸會大學國學院)

On 3 December 2016, local and overseas scholars around the world pursuing Jao Studies gathered together at the Rayson Huang Theatre of the University of Hong Kong to exchange and share their study and to promote among each other their work and plans on studying and promoting Jao Studies. Professor Jao Tsung-i, a world-renowned sinologist with international prestige, has been involving himself whole-heartedly in academic studies and teaching for more than seven decades. Professor Jao’s scope of academic studies is extremely broad, covering 13 major disciplines such as Ancient History (上古史), Oracle Bones Studies (甲骨學), Bamboo and Silk Manuscript Studies (簡帛學), Study of Confucian Classics (經學), Study of Classical Rites and Music (禮樂學), Religious Studies (宗教學), Chu Ci Studies (楚辭學), Historiography (史學) including Study of Chaozhou Culture (潮學), History of China’s Foreign Relations (中外關係史), Tunhuangology (敦煌學), Bibliography (目錄學), Study of Classic Literature (古典文學), and History of Chinese Arty (中國藝術史), with more than 100 works and more than 1000 papers published. He also opens up many new fields and directions of studies for new comers. 

With Hong Kong being the long-term base of his career development from mid-20th century onwards, Professor Jao fully devoted himself to academic studies and actively promoted international exchanges among sinologists. When he taught at the Department of Chinese of the University of Hong Kong during the years 1952-68, he visited academic institutions in India, Japan, Korea, Britain, France, etc., where he conducted research work. Later on, he took up positions such as Professor, Chair Professor and Head of Department of institutes such as Department of Chinese Studies of National University of Singapore (新加坡國立大學中文系), Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Department of Fine Arts of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學中文系與藝術系). He also took up professorships of famous overseas academic institutes such as Yale University and École Pratique des Hautes Études. He is now Chair Professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Hong Kong, as well as Honorary Professor of a number of universities in the Mainland. This further demonstrates Professor Jao’s uniqueness and creativity in the inheritance of Chinese culture. 

Consequently, Jao Link was set up in December of 2016 as a platform to promote the communication and cooperation among research units of Jao Studies all over the world. Its major objective is to enable organizations all over the world conducting research related to Jao Studies to understand each other’s research work and activities through disseminating newest news and information relating to Jao Studies on a joint platform, so as to assemble efforts from various directions to jointly promote the study and development of the studies and art of Jao Studies, as well as letting more people encounter and understand Jao Studies. Members of Jao Link come from universities, art galleries and museums of various places. This Jao Link Sharing enjoys the support of local and overseas academics, sharing with each other their situation of Jao Studies. In the morning, Jao Link showed a movie for attendants to see the elegant appearance of the organizations. Participating guests include President of Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學校長) Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, SBS, JP (沈祖堯教授), Dean of Faculty of Arts of Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學文學院院長) Professor Leung Yuen Sang (梁元生教授), President of the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole Fan Club (饒宗頤學術館之友會長) Mr Gabriel Chi Ming Yu (余志明), Honorary President of the Jao Studies Foundation (饒學研究基金榮譽主席) Mr Jackson Tse Kam Pang (謝錦鵬), Honorary Vice-President of the Jao Studies Foundation (饒學研究基金榮譽副主席) Mr Wong Shu Yui (黃書銳), Vice-President of the Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture (香港中華文化促進中心理事會副主席) Dr Peter WONG King-keung (黃景強), Permanent Administrative Director of the Jao Studies Foundation (饒學研究基金永遠行政董事) Ms Veronica Yiu Ching Yee (饒清綺), Permanent President of the Jao Studies Foundation (饒學研究基金永遠會長) Ms Angeline Yiu Ching Fun (饒清芬), Deputy Director of Jao Tsung-i Petite Ecole of University of Hong Kong (香港大學饒宗頤學術館副館長) Dr Thomas Tang Wai Hung (鄧偉雄), as well as representatives from various organizations, such as Director of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, Chao Zhou (潮州市饒宗頤學術館) Mr Chen Weiming (陳偉明), Director of Jao Tsung-i Petite Ecole of University of Hong Kong, President of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole Fan Club and Chairman of Management Board of the Jao Studies Foundation (香港大學饒宗頤學術館館長、饒宗頤學術館之友會長、饒學研究基金董事會主席) Professor CF Lee (李焯芬教授), Deputy Director of the Dunhuang Research Academy (敦煌研究院副院長) Mr Zhang Xiantang (張先堂), Director of Jao Tsung-I Institute, Hanshan Normal University (韓山師範學院饒學研究所校長) Mr Lin Lunlun (林倫倫), Dr Peter WONG King-keung (黃景強) from Jao Tsung-I Academy (饒宗頤文化館), Deputy Director of the Tianyige Museum (天一閣博物館副館長) Ms Ku Jinghong (庫金紅), Professor Chen Zhi (陳致) from the Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院), Professor Fu Youde (傅有德) from the Jao Jung-i Institute, Shandong University (山東大學饒宗頤宗教與中國文化研究所), Ms Liu Jiayu (劉佳瑜) from Guangzhou Jao Tsung-i Academic & Art Academy (廣州市饒宗頤學術藝術館), Professor Zhang Jijun (張繼軍) from School of Chinese Classics Heilongjiang University (黑龍江大學國學院), Director of Jao Tsung-I Academy (饒宗頤學藝館處長) Mr Wong Man Fai (黃文輝), Mr Mo Daoming (莫道明) from Jao Tsung-I Library, the Affiliated Tianhe School of Guangdong Experimental Middle School (廣東實驗中學附屬天河學校饒宗頤圖書館), Mr Ma Yat-ling (馬逸靈) of Jesus College, University of Cambridge (劍橋大學耶穌學院), Dr Zhao Dongxiao (趙東曉) of Jao Tsung-I Academy, Beijing, etc. The Host of the conference, Dr Peter Cheng Wai Ming (鄭煒明), Deputy Director of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, University of Hong Kong, also allocated time for discussion, so that participants from various sectors could make suggestions on future plans of cooperation. At the end, Professor CF Lee, Chairman of Management Board of the Jao Studies Foundation, thanked on behalf of the Foundation, the guests for their participation, and expressed his hope that various Jao Studies bodies would continue to work closely and support each other for the renaissance of Chinese culture in the new century. 

A Lunch Banquet to welcome participant guests, hosted by Mr Ma Kai Cheung (馬介璋), PhD, SBS, BBS, was held at Carrianna Chiu Chow Cuisine Restaurant (佳寧娜潮州菜). Mr Ma shared with the guests anecdotes of his encounter with Professor Jao, especially his support for the development and promotion of Jao Studies and Chinese Studies, and his hope that everyone contributes his best for Jao Studies. After lunch, more than 50 representatives of Jao Link related organizations visited the Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, which was founded in January 2013 with Professor Jao as its Honorary Permanent Director. It endeavors to spread the studies of Chinese Classics and inherit Chinese culture by integrating the strengths of studies of Chinese Classics, Sinology, and Study of Confucian Classics in both East and West. Professor Chen Zhi of the Academy of Sinology briefed the guests on situations of the Academy such as its research personnel, students, collection of books, and academic activities, so as to promote the understanding and interflow among Rao Studies institutions. 

4th December

Visit to Professor Jao’s footprints: Wisdom Path (心經簡林)

Led by Dr Peter Cheng Wai Ming, Deputy Director of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of the University of Hong Kong, guests of Jao Link from 13 Jao Studies institutions visited the Wisdom Path in Lantau Island to appreciate the art of Professor Jao’s Chinese calligraphy. All the guests praised the design of the Wisdom Path, which integrates Chinese calligraphy, wood cut and installation art, making it both magnificent and close to the public. 

Main Organisers: 

Jao Studies Foundation     

Jao Tsung-i Petite Ecole Fan Club


Jao Tsung-i Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong

Jao Tsung-i Academy 

Participating Institutions:

Jao Jung-i Institute shandong University

Institute for Jao Tsung-i Studies of Sun Yat-sen University

Tianyige Museum 

Xiling Yinshe

Jieyang Zongyi Academy 

Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professorship Scheme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong      

Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, the Baptist University of Hong Kong           

Dunhuang Academy China

School of Chinese Classics Heilongjiang University

The Jao Center, Jesus College Cambridge

Jao Tsung-I Library, The Affiliated Tianhe School of Guangdong Experimental Middle School   

Guangzhou Jao Tsung-i Academic & Art Academy 

Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, Chao Zhou    

Jao Tsung-I Research Institute Hanshan Normal University   

Jao Tsung-i Academy (Beijing)   

Jao Tsung-i Art Gallery

 Academia Jao Tsung-i   


For the list of special thanks, please refer to Chinese version.